Wednesday, December 2nd 6 p.m. Via Zoom Utilizing Premiere Elements, Andrea will demonstrate how to fix color and lighting issues and show you how to use color to creatively tell your story. RSVP to
Thanksgiving Week 2020 Wednesday, November 25th – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Thursday, November 26th – Closed Friday, November 27th – Closed CAN TV will reopen on Monday, November 30th
In order to conform to Restore Illinois’ program to slowly phase in regular operations in businesses across the state, CAN TV provides this list of safety protocols, to let the community know how CAN TV is maintaining a safe environment for staff and public alike. The below documents also have protocols for CAN TV Producers… View Article
How to Think Like an Editor Virtual Workshop CAN TV’s Training Coordinator, Andrea, talks about the concepts and best practices that an Editor uses to set themselves up for success when tackling a project. Watch as we show examples of edit techniques from different films, and then demo those techniques using Adobe Premiere Elements.
Field Camera: Optics Workshop Watch the Now This workshop provides tips to help you create more engaging video the next time you check out the Panasonic AC-130 camera through Production Services. Camera resolutions, f-stops, depth-of-field, shutter speeds, video formats and principles of light will be discussed.
Recording a Zoom Meeting Set up Automatic Record Log into the zoom account at Go to the Meetings tab Select Schedule Meeting Scroll down to “Meeting Options” Select the “Record the meeting automatically” Option It will then ask you to choose between recording to your own computer or recording to the cloud. You can… View Article
CAN TV’s online orientation Tues. May 19th from 6-7 p.m. Interested in creating your own TV program? This is your first start to signing up for one of our classes and producing your own show. Register now at
Developing an Idea & Writing a Treatment Workshop Resources May 5th, 2020 Writing a treatment is the definitive way to make sure you have developed your idea fully so your project will actually get off the ground. Learn tips and tricks to think critically about your ideas, so you can create this written illustration… View Article