Coverage of the 14th Annual Disability Pride Parade in downtown Chicago. This program was produced by Adapt of Chicago Productions, a CAN TV Community Partner.
Ken Davis is joined by AJ LaTrace, editor of Curbed Chicago. They react to Chicago‚Äôs bid for the new Amazon corporate headquarters, and assess the likelihood that Chicago will be chosen. They discuss several transformative development projects that are reshaping large portions of Chicago, including Wolf Point, the North Branch and the Obama Library. They… View Article
Ken Davis is joined by Chicago Tribune investigative reporter Michael Hawthorne, who writes extensively about Chicago environmental issues. They discuss Chicago’s readiness for extreme weather events, including how the City’s Deep Tunnel system would be able to handle large deluges of rain such as those that inundated Houston. They also discuss lead poisoning, including a… View Article
Joel Margolis interviews Bob Moore about his life and experience as a disability rights advocate. This program was produced by Adapt of Chicago Productions, a CAN TV Community Partner.
Gary Arnold interviews Access Living’s Charles Petrof about the ADA Education and Reform Act. This program was produced by Adapt of Chicago Productions, a CAN TV Community Partner.
Willis Cowing interviews Access Living’s Tom Wilson about the various issues facing the disability community today. This program was produced by Adapt of Chicago Productions, a CAN TV Community Partner.
4th Ward Alderman Sophia King gives an update on ward news and developments, discusses the state’s education funding bill, funding for retirement pensions, the Lakefront Trail in the ward that separates bicyclists and runners, and much more. This program was recorded on August 30, 2017 at Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).
On this second part of our two-part conversation, Ken Davis is joined by Chicago Police Board Chair Lori Lightfoot to discuss the Police Department‚Äôs Strategic Subject List; The City‚Äôs effort to dismiss Campbell v City Of Chicago, a multi-faceted lawsuit seeking comprehensive police reform; and Lightfoot‚Äôs views on illegal gun seizures, arrest rates, and the… View Article