CAN TV Program Archive

    Chicago Newsroom

    November 9, 2017
    Ken Davis is joined by the co-founders of City Bureau. It‚Äôs a non-profit news organization that strives to train members of minority communities in Chicago as news reporters and trackers who attend all manner of public meetings to document the official proceedings with written reports and live tweets. They discuss the demise last week of… View Article

    Chicago Newsroom

    November 9, 2017
    Ken Davis is joined by The Chicago Tribune‚Äôs Jeremy Gorner to discuss the recent release of the City of Chicago‚Äôs Gun Trace Report. The report follows about 21,000 guns confiscated by the Chicago Police in the past three years and traces them back to their first owners and the stores or dealers from which they… View Article

    Chicago Newsroom

    November 2, 2017
    Ken Davis is joined by Jessica Droeger and Jeff Radue, both organizers with Indivisible Chicago. They discuss their efforts to disengage Illinois from CrossCheck, a national program that compares voter rolls from multiple states to root out voter fraud, but has been shown to be a significant threat to data security and personal privacy. They… View Article

    Elevating Stories

    October 20, 2017
    Chicago choreographers and dance companies help kick off a citywide dance festival with performances and discussions about the creative arts process. This program was recorded by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).