CAN TV Program Archive

    Political Forum

    April 28, 2021
    Host Sylvia Snowden invites Rep. LaShawn Ford to discuss the controversy around the Loretto Hospital vaccine scandal. Political Forum is an original CAN TV Production.

    Political Forum

    April 27, 2021
    Carlos Ballesteros, Injustice Watch, returns to talk about his reporting on the Adam Toledo case, Adam’s representation in the media, and what it all means for the Little Village community. Political Forum is an original CAN TV Production.

    Political Forum

    April 27, 2021
    Sen. Steve Stadelman started off in the media before transitioning into politics. Host Ken Davis discusses with the Senator about the future role of journalism today and if there still will be one. Political Forum is an original CAN TV Production.

    Political Forum

    April 27, 2021
    Host Sylvia Snowden invites Rep. LaShawn Ford to discuss the controversy around the Loretto Hospital vaccine scandal. Political Forum is an original CAN TV Production.

    Political Forum

    April 27, 2021
    Political Forum sits down with Garien Gatewood, Illinois Justice Project, to converse about the Chauvin Verdict and what it means to Chicago policing. Political Forum is an original CAN TV Production.

    Elevating Stories

    April 27, 2021
    As part the Elevating Stories of Climate Equity” series, Elevate‚Äôs Sylvia Ewing hosts a discussion on Earth Day This is CAN TV original production.

    Political Forum

    April 16, 2021
    Evanston, IL, Alderwoman Cicely Fleming (9th) discusses the goals of repairative plans for Black Americans, her opposition to her city’s version of reparations for its Black residents and what she’d like to see other cities do as they begin to broach the topic of redress for African-American citizens. Political Forum is an original CAN TV… View Article

    Black Summer:

    April 8, 2021
    This panel engages photographers who use their work as a form of activism, advocating for change, equity and justice.

    Latinx Womxn Leaders Across Movements

    April 6, 2021
    Celebrate Latinx Womxn Leaders Across Social and Environmental Movements as each presenter shares their experiences and leadership on topics of labor and worker’s rights, immigrant rights, environmental and climate justice, and building transgender & queer Latinx power.