CAN TV Program Archive

    Political Forum

    January 27, 2022
    The Chicago City Council missed the deadline to approve a new ward map. Is it because the dispute between the Black and Latino Caucuses? Chairman of the Latino Aldermanic Caucus Ald. Gilbert Villegas explains. Political Forum is an original CAN TV Production

    The Chicago Money Show

    January 6, 2022
    Host Bridget Sullivan Mermel brings on two business owners, Michael Ginsberg and Michael Cameron to discuss their experiences of running their business during the COVID lockdown.

    The Chicago Money Show

    December 13, 2021
    Expert Patti Hughes discusses how to talk to your child about student loans and how to plan to pay for education.

    Political Forum

    November 17, 2021
    There’s an idea that professors should have leeway on how to teach their students. But what happens when their lesson makes a group of students feel offended? Ashley Shannon tells Political Forum about such an incident. Political Forum is an original CAN TV production.

    The Chicago Money Show

    November 17, 2021
    Host Bridget Sullivan Mermel brings on Health Insurance Shoppe founder, Jordan Wishner to give financial advice about health insurance plans.

    Elevating Stories

    November 16, 2021
    Today we have the chance to learn about the latest on the new Climate and Equitable Jobs Act, also known as CEJA. We’ll talk about the influence this bill has on our community, economy, and social equity at large. We’ll also connect you with resources to learn more about this new and exciting bill.

    ADAPT of Chicago

    November 15, 2021
    ADAPT Productions of Chicago interviews two members of the group, AYLP (Advance Your Leadership Potential) about the passing of CESSA, the Community Emergency Services and Support Act.

    Elevating Stories

    October 28, 2021
    Have you ever wondered how you can go solar? Thanks to new legislation, this is the time to learn more! Host Sylvia Ewing sits down with experts to help explain solar energy benefits, processes, and more! Learn about the future of solar power in Illinois and how you can get started. Elevate designs and implement… View Article

    The Chicago Money Show

    October 26, 2021
    Host Bridget Sullivan Mermel brings on financial expert, Ed Fulbright to give advice to financial questions from Chicagoans.