CAN TV Program Archive

    Chicago Newsroom

    May 8, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by Paul Biasco, DNAInfo, Hal Dardick, Chicago Tribune, and Lorraine Forte, Catalyst Chicago. They talk about Karen Lewis’ proposed tax on stock trades, the mayoral election, and the significant number of teachers leaving CPS. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

    Chicago Newsroom

    May 8, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by Bill Rutthart, Chicago Tribune, Richard Steele, WBEZ, Ray Salazar, The White Rhino blog and Rick Kogan, Chicago Tribune.¬† They discuss recent revelations regarding the Emanuel Administration’s coordination of the production of CNN’s “Chicagoland” and assess the journalistic ethics of the series. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network TV.

    Chicago Newsroom

    May 8, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by Mark Brown, Chicago Sun-Times, Greg Hinz, Crain’s Chicago Business and John Byrne, Chicago Tribune.¬† They discuss the history and politics of Illinois chronically underfunded pensions. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network TV.

    Chicago Newsroom

    May 8, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by Thom Clark, Community Media Workshop, Andrew Schroedter, Better Government Association and Cheryl Corley, National Public Radio.¬† They discuss the city’s massive outlay for police misconduct, the challenge to Illinois tornado-ravaged communities to secure FEMA funds, and the difficulty making hyper-local news commercially viable. This program was produced by Chicago Access… View Article

    Chicago Newsroom

    May 8, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by Michael Hawthorne, Chicago Tribune, Henry Henderson, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Journalist/Author, Kari Lydersen. They discuss the politics of the recent oil spill from BP’s Whiting refinery and the environmental threats posed by petcoke on Chicago’s Southwest Side. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network TV.

    Perspectivas Latinas

    April 20, 2014
    Founded in 1996, the Chicago Cuatro Orchestra has worked to create a cultural program to preserve Puerto Rico’s national instrument, the Cuatro. Founder and Director, Orlando Rivera talks about the orchestra’s history and importance and also about the Mother’s Day concert they will do in collaboration with the Ballet Folkl√≥rico Juvenil de Chicago.

    Perspectivas Latinas

    March 19, 2014
    Andrew Sund de Concilio Latino de Educación Superior de Illinois (ILACHE) habla acerca de los retos y el futuro que enfrentan los latinos en la educación superior en Illinois. Este programa fue producido por Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

    Perspectivas Latinas

    March 19, 2014
    Andrew Sund of Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education (ILACHE) discusses the challenges and future of Latinos in higher education in Illinois. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

    Perspectivas Latinas

    March 19, 2014
    Sol Flores y Cristina Obregón de la organización La Casa Norte hablan de la misión y los servicios que prestan a los jóvenes y las familias sin hogar. Este programa fue producido por Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

    Perspectivas Latinas

    March 19, 2014
    Sol Flores and Christina Obregon from La Casa Norte discuss the mission of La Casa Norte and the services they provide to youth and families confronting homelessness. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).