CAN TV Program Archive

    Chicago Newsroom

    August 28, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by Mick Dumke, Chicago Reader and Natalie Moore, WBEZ.  They discuss Chicago police violence and its coverage in the media in light of the recent events in Ferguson, MO. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network TV.

    Perspectivas Latinas

    August 22, 2014
    Frank Corona y Juan Huizar del Club Patriótico Mexicano de Sur Chicago habla acerca de la larga historia de esta organización y su trabajo actual. Este programa fue producido por Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

    Perspectivas Latinas

    August 22, 2014
    Frank Corona and Juan Huizar of the Mexican Patriotic Club of South Chicago discuss the organization’s long history and their current work. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

    Chicago Newsroom

    August 21, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by Jon Hilkevitch, Chicago Tribune. They discuss the state of transportation in Chicago and rate Mayor Emanuel’s efforts to upgrade the system. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

    Perspectivas Latinas

    August 20, 2014
    Arsemiris Galva-Batista and student Cynthia Patiño discuss the mission and goals of Students Career Empowerment, an organization that helps college students gain a foothold in new careers through internships. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV)

    Perspectivas Latinas

    August 20, 2014
    Arsemiris Galva-Batista y la estudiante Cynthia Patiño discuten la misión y los objetivos de Student Career Empowerment, una organización que ayuda a los estudiantes universitarios a entrar en sus carreras antes de su graduación, mediante su programa de prácticas. Este programa fue producido por Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV)

    Perspectivas Latinas

    August 18, 2014
    María Guzmán y Leticia Ramírez de SGA Youth and Family Services hablan acerca del trabajo de la organización sin fines de lucro y su trabajo en la comunidad. Este programa fue producido por Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

    Chicago Newsroom

    August 14, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by Kate Grossman, Chicago Sun-Times and Sarah Karp, Catalyst Chicago.  They discuss public school funding, school closings and privatization.

    Chicago Newsroom

    August 7, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by Lolly Bowean, Chicago Tribune and Lynne Marek, Crain’s Chicago Business.¬† They discuss the Chicago Housing Authority’s controversial fund surplus and the prospects for the newly spun off Tribune Publishing Company.¬† This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

    Chicago Newsroom

    July 31, 2014
    Ken Davis is joined by David Kidwell, Chicago Tribune and Alex Richards, Chicago Tribune.¬† They discuss the city’s highly suspect red light camera system. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).