Chicago Newsroom


Program Air Date: 09/20/2018

Program Overview

Ken Davis is joined by The Tribune’s City Hall reporter Bill Ruthhart, and in the second segment, newly appointed Chicago Teachers’ Union Vice President Stacy Davis Gates.

Ruthhart shares his observations about the February Mayor’s race in the aftermath of Mayor Emanuel’s announcement that he’s not running again. He tells us that, as of this morning, there are fifteen candidates that have formally announced their candidacy, three who are formally considering it, and another group of people who’ve been mentioned.

Davis Gates talks with us about organizing teachers and staff in the city’s charter schools, the challenges of running a public-sector union in the post Janus era, and the pressure for the union to announce an endorsement in the Mayor’s race. It’s too early for an endorsement, she says, because the union is focused on the upcoming governor’s race, where defeating Bruce Rauner is a major priority for the union.

This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).