It’s Premiere Week on CAN TV
CAN TV Signature Programming marks a new era in broadcasting
In Chicago, CAN TV has a long tradition of providing the city and the 77 unique neighborhoods it serves a platform to tell their stories.
This week CAN TV enters a new era of broadcasting with the launch of CAN TV Signature Programming.
Watch the video below for a short preview of what to expect this fall on CAN TV19 every weeknight at 7PM and streaming live online at cantv.org
Mondays at 7pm
Real Talk with Just 4 GirlFriends
‘Conversation for the soul’ exploring various topics designed to enlighten, inform, entertain and sometimes unnerve the viewer. Hosts and guests will unpack current issues and news and the impact on Chicago and will include useful calls to action and tips that viewers can incorporate into their daily lives.
Tuesdays at 7pm
For the Culture with Christina Steed
Chicagoland’s unique perspectives on culture and life with dynamic guests and engaging conversations covering a variety of topics. Topics include arts, entertainment, pop culture, trending news, diversity and inclusion, music, business, women’s issues, and themes important to diverse communities across the area.
Wednesdays at 7pm
Political Forum with Sylvia Snowden
Offering local legislators and political newsmakers an opportunity to participate in one-on-one interviews to discuss the most important political headlines in Chicago.
Thursdays at 7pm
Change Agents with Sufyan Sohel
Spotlighting critical issues impacting Chicago’s communities, such as homelessness, domestic violence, food inequity, police reform, and more. The show will introduce viewers to nonprofit and community organizations that are working to address and combat these issues.
Fridays at 7pm
In the Arena with Darrious Hilmon
Thoughtful, fair, and honest “kitchen table” conversations with the people who make Chicago one of America’s greatest cities. Hilmon will converse with the thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, businesspeople, and newsmakers, asking the obvious – and not-so-obvious questions.