Looking Back, Looking Forward
Dear Friend of CAN TV:
These past few years have seen rapid changes for CAN TV. The new facility represents permanence and the potential for further development in the future. CAN TV’s services are fully up and running. Orientation sessions are filling to capacity with people eager to get involved. And we are pleased that CAN TV and NABET/CWA reached agreement on a contract in record time thanks to the hard work of both teams.
On the cable company side, CAN TV will be funded under RCN’s local franchise to 2022. All of Chicago’s other cable companies are under state franchises, which are up for renewal in 2017. While that is coming up soon, the City ordinance ensures that CAN TV receives the same financial support from all state franchised companies that it gets from RCN.
It has taken strength and unity for CAN TV to overcome the challenges we have faced in the past 30 plus years. Your strong support has been the key to safeguarding this public resource. And television in Chicago has been enriched immeasurably with your participation. It has been my honor to work with you.
I’m writing today to inform you that after my many years at CAN TV, the time for change has come in my personal life. I am planning to retire at the end of 2016. The CAN TV board of directors is working with a professional search firm to find my replacement. I’m excited about the prospect of a new executive director carrying this mission forward, working in cooperation with the board, the staff and the extended CAN TV community.
Barbara Popovic